Combat. City builder. Rogue.
From the director of Dead Cells

Game jams and prototypes
Most of these were made during Ludum Dare game jam
Game feel demo (v2)
Learning game feel techniques
2nd (Graphics)
5nd (Overall)
Tenjutsu (48h version)
You don't know it yet, but you're already dead.
Dungeon prototype
Dungeon Master III
5nd (Graphics)
Nuclear Blaze (48h version)
The building is on fiiire... fiiiire
3nd (Graphics)
10rd (Overall)
Fort Loop
Looping castle
1st (My kid loves it)
Petit Tracteur Bleu
Little tractor adventures
1st (Top selection)
Dumber Dwarves
Uncontrolled dungeon crawling
1st (Fun)
5nd (Overall)
10rd (Humor)
Colonel Hubert on duty!
6rd (Theme)
Save & Sacrifice
For the greater good!
Plant and run.
Nightclub Showdown
John Wick in slow mo
Cats are assholes
Feed me, hooman!
4nd (Graphics)
6rd (Overall)
Zero Volt X
Distribute power
Castle of Deception
Cheat the game
Lost in pandation
Zootopiesque survival
5nd (Graphics)
Sub Dragon
Snakish Shooter
3nd (Graphics)
Full Metal Democracy
Lethal democracy
2nd (Overall)
9rd (Fun)
9rd (Graphics)
9rd (Sound)
Delicious Cortex
Eat some brains
1st (Graphics)
2nd (Overall)
7rd (Mood)
Badass Inc
Unconventional murder
3nd (Overall)
8rd (Graphics)
Law Breaker
All GTA in one screen
Survive the war
2nd (Overall)
3nd (Graphics)
4nd (Fun)
Do the robot!
5nd (Graphics)
Beneath the City
Turn based infiltration
A puzzle platformer
1st (Fun)
3nd (Overall)
Proletarian Ninja X
Kill everyone in 10 seconds
1st (Top selection)
Corporate Soccer 2
4-players football platformer
3nd (Graphics)
Minnie & Malism: Budget squad!
Underwater shoot-em-up
1st (Overall)
1st (Graphics)
1st (Fun)
Atomic Creep Spawner!
Defend your dungeon!
1st (Fun)
2nd (Graphics)
4nd (Overall)
Strike of rage!
Beat colleagues to a pulp
1st (Mood)
1st (Graphics)
2nd (Overall)
Memento XII
Jail Point'n'click
1st (Graphics)
3nd (Overall)
7rd (Mood)
Last Breath
Fight against yourself
4nd (Graphics)
A tale about life, death and a loser
Weird point'n'click
1st (Overall)
1st (Graphics)
10rd (Fun)
Appy 1000mg
Be appy, take drugs
1st (Overall)
1st (Fun)
1st (Theme)
1st (Humor)
Time Pigmy
Discover everything!
Boulder Slach
An "Atomix" clone
See more

Motion Twin
Games I’ve worked on or created during my 18 years at Motion Twin

Atari ST
Oh boy, I’m this old.
Please note that this listing is only for my personal memories. Most of these old projects are either unfinished or broken in some way.