Tenjutsu announcement!

Today, I’m proud to officially announce the existence of Tenjutsu, a new addition to the roguelite world, with the help […]

Regarding Dead Cells termination

I posted on Discord a hot take on the recent announcement from Motion Twin (“MT”), my former company where I […]

Market study spreadsheet

Market Study is a Google Sheets document which allows you to get a rough estimate of sales and revenues of […]

April 2021 – Roadmap update

TL;DR LDtk 0.8.2 is coming within the next few days. The current LDtk discord will be re-organized to become official “Deepnight Games” […]

July 2020 – Roadmap

Going rogue, part 2 Hi everyone! TL;DR: you can simply check the roadmap at the end of the article. First […]

Free time tracking tool

About This Google spreadsheet will help you to keep track of time spent on your projects: Single user oriented to […]

Going rogue!

TLDR version: I left Motion Twin, the game company I worked at for about 18 yrs. I’m now becoming a […]

Badass Inc. post-mortem

Badass Inc is my Ludum Dare 32 entry ; the theme was An unconventional weapon. There is usually 2 ways […]

Beneath the city: the post-mortem

If you haven’t yet, I recommend you to play the game first. This article contains a few spoilers. This game […]

Ludum Dare 29 (Work in progress)

Update 1 It took me some time to figure out the right game idea. Finally got one this morning :) […]

The Pirate Bay Bundle is available!

One of my games, A tale about life, death and a looser, is now available for download in the Pirate […]


PPPaint (aka Pixel Perfect Painter) is a new project I’m working on at home. It’s a pixel art drawing tool […]

Pixel perfect drawing

EDIT: this was actually implemented in Aseprite :) Good news! See the discussion here. Based on an idea by Carduus, […]


My tabletop RPG map editor is now known as ANAmap! ANA stands for Anaximander, a greek guy known for creating […]

RPG map editor v0.4

This new version comes with a LOT of changes! I really hope you will enjoy it. Brand new interface! The […]

“Purpose” (LD 28) post-mortem

If you haven’t tried it yet, please do it so first! And also, don’t forget to rate it :) I […]

Post mortem of Proletarian Ninja X

What went wrong 3 games in a weekend. My first idea was to make a “Dungeon Master”-like game where the […]

Corporate Soccer released!

Every day, during the 10am coffee break, Red Insurances and Blue Ventures struggle for domination abroad space station Corpo 117.

Gameplay video of Brutality (temporary name)

This is an action game I make for the Arkadeo.com platform. Your objectives are simple : kill enemies before they […]


We released GreenWitch on Arkadeo on Monday! The game is a violent cross-over between Gauntlet and a Tower defense. It’s […]

Teacher Story

After almost one year of hard work (and 2 reboots), we finally released Teacher Story, our turn based tactical RPG […]

Tabletop RPG map editor (v0.3)

Another release with all major features implemented: save / load to disk (uncompressed XML format), export PNG image local auto-save […]

Tabletop RPG map editor (v0.2)

I’ve improved the map editor I’ve been working on this weekend (see previous post). Main changes: added generic assets (generic […]

Tabletop RPG map editor (v0.1)

For the last 20 years, I’ve been playing tabletop RPGs with friends on a very regular basis. I’ve spent a […]

Budget Squad post-mortem

So it’s been 3 weeks now I released my LD entry “Budget Squad”. Here is a quick post-mortem for Minnie […]

Budget Squad longplay video

I made a longplay video for my latest Ludum Dare entry. Warning! If you didn’t play it yet, please do […]

Game making conference in Bordeaux

I will hold a conference about Game Making in Bordeaux on February 12th at “IUT SRC ” here. Of course […]

Atomic Creep Spawner post-mortem

Now it’s time to talk a little bit more about ACS and how the dev went… …Here comes the traditional… […]

New blog design

I jumped on the pre Ludum Dare fever to create a decent design for this blog. It took me months […]

Post mortem of a beat-em-up

Thank you everybody for all the kind comments on my LD entry :) This was my really first attempt at […]