- LDtk 0.8.2 is coming within the next few days.
- The current LDtk discord will be re-organized to become official “Deepnight Games” discord, with separate sections for LDtk, gamedev and soon, “Survive” game project.
- I’m about to focus mainly on my game project code name “Survive“.
- GameBase for Haxe will have some major 2.0 update really soon
Being back from holidays and it’s now time to slow down a little bit, to prepare for the future. So here is a rough roadmap on my personal plans about LDtk, “Survive” game project, Deepnight Games, and other side projects.
- Deepnight Games (ie. me, Sébastien “deepnight” Benard) is a single person company where I do everything, from coding to art, including support and marketing. This obviously means I have to prioritize, and I’m not in a state where I can do everything ;)
- LDtk: I plan to reach 1.0 stable state within a few weeks, as I believe LDtk is now almost feature complete. This is not the end (obviously, but still, it’s important to mention that), but only a major milestone for me to reach. After that point, I plan to continue to support it and add more & more features, but this will happen at a much lower rate, as I’ll move my focus to “Survive project“.
- LDtk discord: as of today, the discord server features a mix of discussions about LDtk app, related libs and stuff about GameBase and other game dev topics. To be more consistent with that, I decided to make things a little bit cleaner by making it the official Deepnight Games discord, which will continue to focus on LDtk itself, but will also include channels about GameBase and the future Survive projects when this will be needed.
- Survive (project code name): a HUGE project and the reason behind making LDtk. Not much to reveal about it for now, except it’s a 2D platformer with a strong emphasis on exploration, mood and combat. I like to think of it as a mix between Final Station, STALKER and System Shock 2. The combat prototype is done and quite satisfying, the main tool (ie. LDtk) is ready and I now really need to starting working on the game full full-time, to make it happen. Good side effect though: because it requires a very solid level editor, LDtk will get more & more extra features as I make progress.
- GameBase: One of my goal in life is to teach/share as much as possible. GameBase is a code base for any game dev out there who wants to get a compact and efficient 2D “engine/code base”. I personally use it for all my games (from Dead Cells to Survive, including most of my game jams). It’s based on Haxe language, with Heaps game engine. I just finished wrapping up a major 2.0 milestone for it, soon to be officially announced. I might build some dedicated website at some point to make it reach the “next level”.
- ElectronBase: same idea as GameBase, a starting point for devs wanting to make a Haxe/JS/Electron app. It’s mostly for my personal use, but still, it’s open source.
- Improvise: I play lots of tabletop RPGs with my friends (mostly using Roll20 platform) and Improvise is a small side project I’m building on my free time to help game masters resolve quick random content generation. It features a very cool dice roller with ease of use in mind and a “random table” editor to create your own stuff. Not released yet, will be “when it’s done”.
- RPG Map: another tool I previously released for tabletop RPG game masters. I don’t think I’ll work much more on the current version (except a few bug fixes), as my long-term plan is to create *RPG Map 3* as an Electron/WebGL based app, for easier future development. Some merging might also occur with Improvise, depending on the state of both project.
On veut des nouvelles! Comment vas-tu? Sur quoi travaille-tu en ce moment?
Has been 4.5 months…
Or will there be a 48hr version? OO! Can you give a 48 demo kind of version of what you have so far??
Ohh… Will Survive be on Deepnight? Or do you expect money from it so it won't be on Deepnight for free?
Thanks for sharing this update and for all the code you make available. I cannot wait to know more about Survive.
I really love your art style as well. Any chance of seeing videos of you drawing or some tutorial about your take on pixel art? I'm sure it would be inspiring and interesting for a lot of people.
Keep up the good work!
Very interested in the next RPG Map iteration.
Glad to read some news. Keep the good work.
Will you compete to next LD with the new Gamebase? Would be nice to have a slower timelapse on your YT channel so we can use it as a full tutorial (including tools like LDtk and libraries). I love the one you did but they are pretty fast to follow :)
Hi! Yes, my plan for GameBase is to use it for Survive as well as for future game jams. I will definitely try to participate LD48, so this time I might also try to make a better/slower timelapse, or even some streaming :)
Looking forward to see what Survive is going to be!
Super exciting! Looking forward to more news on Survive. I can’t imagine doing a game solo (especially since I suck at art ). Best of luck!