Going rogue, part 2
Hi everyone!
TL;DR: you can simply check the roadmap at the end of the article.
First of all, let me thank everyone of you for your amazing support :) I received many very touching messages which were really important to me (and actually balanced the total lack of support I received from my former team mates at Motion Twin). I’m now really motivated to prove worthy of your confidence.
Moving forward, I’m now officially a game company, called Deepnight Games ❤

I’m now legally allowed to make, publish and hopefully earn money from games.
L-Ed / RPG Map
Aside from all the administrative stuff, one of the first things I did was to work on a 2D level editor for game-devs, based on my experience with RPG Map 2, code named L-Ed (for Level Editor). It’s not released yet at this point, but should be out there really soon, probably open-source. I will talk about this one a little bit more in a future article.
This project, plus the whole Covid-19 thing obviously had a few impacts on the development of RPG Map 2. My time was very limited and it was impossible for me to invest as much time I would have loved to on RPG Map. This means the Update 17 was delayed a lot: it’s still planned, just without any estimated release date yet.
So here are my general roadmap for the next few months. Please note the timeline may vary: some events might occur before some others, depending on the time I’ll actually have and the progress made.
- L-Ed release
- Game-dev oriented 2D level editor, free and probably open-source
- RPG Map (Steam release)
- Not much to do here, except a few bug fixes, and me getting used to the Steam publishing workflow.
- RPG Map update 17
- This is a big one. I plan to rework completely the UI using what I’ve learned from making L-Ed (basically: using NodeJS). This will allow the app to become completely cross-platform: Mac & Linux support is coming!
- My first game as a solo dev
- Top secret stuff for now, but I’m quite excited :)
This sounds very cool. However, if I could suggest just one feature for Anamap, it would be the ability to select and move a region (without having to move each tile one at a time).
Thanks for the amazing map editor!
Bonsoir Deepnight. Merci pour tout le plaisir que tu m'as apporté avec tes jeux depuis des années. J'ai commencé à jouer à Hordes durant la saison 2, j'avais 9-10 ans et savait à peine écrire comme du monde (ce qu'on me rappelait à maintes reprises sur les forum, haha!) J'ai aujourd'hui 22 ans, et j'ai autant d'admiration et de respect pour tout ton oeuvre. Je me souviens des journées où je revenais de l'école en panique, attendant longuement le fameux 18h/19h (heure de l'Est, je suis Québecois) pour pouvoir faire mes activités et actions quotidiennes. J'ai vraiment hâte de lire ton prochain post sur ton blogue; je te lis religieusement. Merci pour tous!
D'un fan qui t'est redevable.
All my suppport for all your future projects.
I was following you since the beginnings of Motion Twin : Frutiparc, Hordes, etc.
L-Ed looks very interesting, especially because I'm starting an in-browser grid-2D game engine.
May I ask you an embarrassing question ? What L-Ed will do better than the existing map editor "Tiled" ?
Congrats on going solo! Very excited to see your first game!
Any updates on your projects?
LEd is now available, and the game is still "work-in-progress" :)
Hâte d'avoir des infos sur ton premier jeu !
Désolé que la relation avec tes anciens collègues aient l'air un peu tendue.
Total soutien pour la suite :)
I will buy any game you put out ;-) You Rock! – and deserve success, because of your great opensource games. Have you ever considered a patreon page or some equivalent? I'm sure you know your business, but keep your options open!
The future looks bright! How much will RPG MAP Editor be on steam?
Hey Deepnight. I guess your editor will be a lifechanger for a lot of DMs out there on steam.
The L-Ed sounds cool to me as well. Can't w8 to see it working!
The Update sounds cool to me too.
You should really think about texture packs as DLCs then.. ;-)
Wow! Very exciting news. I'm a big fan of your games and the RPG Map Editor. Sub Dragon, Badass Inc., and Strike of Rage! are my favorites. I used your original editor to plan my first dungeon. I'm here all the wat to support you and your project.
Really look forward to your next game!!!
Even your game jam works are so amazing, I believe you can definitely blow players away with the official product.
Wish you all the best. :)