Make nice looking RPG maps easily.
RPG Map is a tabletop oriented map editor
with the “keep it clean & simple“ philosophy in mind.
RPG Map is a tool I’ve built to make maps for my tabletop RPG sessions, with my friends. It’s born from the fact that most existing tools were either looking bad or were simply overly complex to use.
My approach is to make an easy to use tool to create beautiful maps quickly.
You can still access the old Flash-based version (source code available on GitHub)

Commercial use
RPG Map II is completely free to use. All the content you create with it can be used any way you want, including in commercial products.
- Full HTML5 support, Windows version on Itch.io
- Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds exports
- Import your own images or icons
- Fully customizable colors
- Import maps generated by One Page Dungeon (from Watabou)
- Support for special walls, such as caverns, diagonals, etc.
- Ground textures
- Ray-casted lighting & fog
- Multiple skins and many customizable colors
- Texts, numbered elements with automatic legend block generation, text bubbles…
- Icons
- Enemies
- User friendly UI
- Pay what you want, including free!
Excellent map editor, i just wish that you add more surface type (sand, luxious stone tiles, swamp) and some more vegetation (bush flower mushroom).
Do you best !
A french user !
Lighting has a lot of artifacts and issues, the grid effect and multiplying errors probably being the worst of them. Defaulting to pitch black and lighting via various effects (choosable atmosphere colors and tints, plus point and ambient lights) may be better. The ambient occlusion for diagonal and cavern walls has an issue too — it doesn't register properly and treats them as if they occupy the whole block.
It took me until now to realize you work on Dead Cells. GOOD GRIEF do I feel ridiculous now. I love that game and followed it for months. Super cool work you do! I'll post some work I've done with the map editor on Twitter.
Nice update, by the way! Some sites like Roll20 exist, but they're way too complicated and like to crash and bug out. I use this and some image editing to create guideline maps for my Dungeons and Dragons 5e game I'm currently running, as well as test visual concepts ahead of time.
Excellent little editor! Simple, but effective, and the lighting is really nice. Reminds me of Aesprite with how approachable it is and that gives me an idea: The option to import textures/objects (and a basic way to organize them). Then really the only thing that limits this program would be your own imagination (or your ability to scour the internet for textures). Another tool I'd like to see is a color adjuster, so that I can click the tool, click on an object, then have sliders for hue, saturation, and brightness for that entire object (along with a cancel/reset button). Maybe even a shift click to edit an entire floor/wall texture too. That would be useful for delineating different rooms or just creating more variety.
Can't wait to see how this tool develops!
I love the map maker and have been using it for a while. Very simple, intuitive, and pretty. My only real want for it is the ability to do things like diagonal doors, windows, furniture, etc. Especially with the addition of diagonal walls, I feel it would be a great addition!
I love this Dungeon map maker! Though I must say, could you add a way to import maps to a PDF (much easier to print)
All works perfectly, and is very intuitive. I actutally enjoyed the experience of creating a map in this platform. The only thing i can complain is the fact that de export size is too small. Theres no way i can print a 640x640px image in A3 or A2. Hope to see improvements in the export settings some day. Cheers from argentina
Monaco: What's Yours is Mine might be a really good source of inspiration for the editor. It's got great lighting and art, the only issue is that it's nearly impossible to convert a custom map into a PNG. I know you don't want to make the editor too complicated for fear of running afowl of the less-is-more philosophy, so just the lighting engine might be worth your attention — and custom image support, of course, since I could just rip the texture files for the furniture from it.
Ah, never mind. Obvious button is obvious
I have the downloaded version, rather than the web-based version, and I can't download them as anything by .json files? Is there a way to get something compatable with Roll20?
I don't know if this is solely an issue on my part, but I can't export the image as a .png from the site. I've tried to download other .pngs and those still work.
It would be cool to have a copy and paste function for areas of the map
While messing around with the program after i just got it I used the scroll wheel to zoom in and out and then was unable to place any objects and could only zoom in and out after that.
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Can you make it so objects (doors & fences in my case) can be placed on grid lines themselves and not just snap to the grid? Or just make and option to "turn off snap to grid"?
Great piece of software otherwise!
A chaque fois qu'une map a pas mal d'éléments et que je la télécharge, maintenant ca affiche "téléchargement) échec – Erreur réseau."
Sinon, excellent les dernières mises à jour.
Ich kann diesen Karteneditor nur weiterempfehlen. Er ist übersichtlich aber trotzdem komplex genug für meine D&D5e Karten. Ich freue mich schon über ein Wüstensetting und allgemein mehr Tiles.
I can only recommend this map editor. It is clear but still complex enough for my D&D5e maps.
I'm looking forward to a desert setting and more tiles in general.
This is excellent. You've kept everything that I like about the old flash based one, i.e. the simplicity and ease of use, while still adding a lot of functionality and features. Thanks a lot of this.
Great tool – simple to use. One request though, which, if done, will make it good enough for me to use and donate to:
Can we have a colour scheme that is printer-friendly? Printing off photo-colour maps is very ink-draining, and I want an easy to read map for the DM to read – so white background and black text/walls etc. Your black & white scheme would be ideal, but it makes the background black/grey and the text white – i.e. the inverse of what I'd like!
If this was possible, I could export one version in this scheme, for the DM to print off, and one in colour (without text) for the players / virtual tabletop.
I can't seem to place a ground tile in the latest version