Make nice looking RPG maps easily.
RPG Map is a tabletop oriented map editor
with the “keep it clean & simple“ philosophy in mind.
RPG Map is a tool I’ve built to make maps for my tabletop RPG sessions, with my friends. It’s born from the fact that most existing tools were either looking bad or were simply overly complex to use.
My approach is to make an easy to use tool to create beautiful maps quickly.
You can still access the old Flash-based version (source code available on GitHub)

Commercial use
RPG Map II is completely free to use. All the content you create with it can be used any way you want, including in commercial products.
- Full HTML5 support, Windows version on Itch.io
- Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds exports
- Import your own images or icons
- Fully customizable colors
- Import maps generated by One Page Dungeon (from Watabou)
- Support for special walls, such as caverns, diagonals, etc.
- Ground textures
- Ray-casted lighting & fog
- Multiple skins and many customizable colors
- Texts, numbered elements with automatic legend block generation, text bubbles…
- Icons
- Enemies
- User friendly UI
- Pay what you want, including free!
I love the tool, however, when in the windows recommended version I cannot actually export maps with the grid regardless of which button I click, it always exports without the grid.
Hello! This is an amazing tool. And a great improvement over the last one.
I noticed something that I don't find any way to turn on again. The editor when I first started it. Areas without floors showed as dark chasms and floor over them appeared as islands floating in the darkness. I really liked that look because allowed me to create chasms and bridges. But now every time I restart it looks brighter and no island effect.
Anyway, great tool Thanks
I see I am not the first person to notice this, but I find exporting a png that checking the "show grid" box does not result in the exported image having a grid. (Windows 10, Firefox 68.0b3 64 bit).
I have also noticed that exported images sometimes have one of the map squares highlighted, sometimes in a white square, and sometimes a red square. ( https://i.imgur.com/RYmELqY.png )
How do you re-load maps, the load maps botton dosent work for me?
Some people have issues with the Load button on the browser version. It should work with the downloadable version: https://deepnight.itch.io/tabletop-rpg-map-editor
This program is great! I use it for towns and dungeosn and I use Anybody tried http://hextml.playest.net/ for world level maps.
Salut Sébastien.
Avant toute chose, je te remercie du fond de mon cœur de mettre GRATUITEMENT et A LA DISPOSITION DE TOUS cet outil qui est spectaculaire. T'es vraiment mon héro personnel rien que pour ça.
Je suis un Twinoïdien du forum rp, et comme beaucoup de nos camarades, j'utilise Anamap depuis des années déjà. Quatre cinq ans, je dirai, à vue d’œil. Car c'est extra : l'interface est simple et totalement efficace, le résultat est concret, c'est rapide d'utilisation. L'ancienne version ne permettait pas de faire de grandes cartes (ce qui ne m'empêchait pas de faire des raccords de différents plans via paint pour faire des trucs gigantesques) ce que cette nouvelle version permet, ce qui est un énorme +. Ça, et la HD.
Autre point fort : la lumière. Tu t'es gavé, je n'ai rien d'autre à dire. Ça ajoute de l'atmosphère comme jamais.
Je sais que tu ajouteras encore du contenu (comme des textures pour des liquides, etc), et au risque d'être redondant, voici des suggestions que je trouve indispensable d'obtention :
– Un éditeur plus stable. Il crash très souvent de mon côté. Peut-être que le problème vient de moi, sait-on jamais.
– D'autres fonds de cartes : autrefois j'utilisais Anamap car il était très neutre : mais il a changé. Etant principalement un joueur de cyberpunk et de fantastique contemporain, le noir et blanc peut être utile, mais sans lumière, il manque quelque chose à l'atmosphère. L'effet parchemin est trop fantasy, et pour du contemporain, l'on se retrouve surtout à mapper avec le fond blueprint qui est au demeurant fort joli, mais dès qu'on y ajoute de l'éclairage, on a l'impression de créer une atmosphère crépusculaire ou nocturne.
– Je sais que tu vas ajouter d'autres textures de surfaces, mais avoir une texture bétonnée ou métalique serait un énorme + pour les rôlistes qui font autre chose que de la fantasy. Rien que pour des routes ou des trottoirs, c'est énormissime. Du sol en béton.
– Les "small furn" de la première version d'Anamap. Ils faisaient tout et n'importe quoi. C'était top et maintenant ca manque.
– La possibilité de superposer des portes/fournitures sur les murs : par exemple nous, quand on mappait, on mettait les Furn2*1 ou 3*1 ou 4*1 sur des murs de une case de largeur pour émuler des vitres à des bâtiments, et c'était redoutable comme effet. Avec la couleur du nouveau mobilier ce n'est guère plus possible, alors trouver un moyen de pouvoir superposer la texture bleue des portes sur des murs permettrait de faire des vitres en mode système D, sans que tu n'aies à incorporer des vitres. En tous cas les vitres, c'est un bon détail, quoi. Mais il faut rester simple et efficace.
– Les caisses ont perdu cet aspect "empilées" que je trouvais sympa avant. Voila c'est juste une remarque personnelle et subjective. Mais on peut vivre sans.
– Faire en sorte que la lumière ne soit pas arrêtée par des "murs invisibles" lorsqu'elle atteint un mur en diagonale : par exemple un pilier de 2*2 cases avec mur en diagonales n'est pas éclairé, ce qui fait un carré sombre.
– Pour jouer dans l'atmosphère, ajouter, un peu comme pour la lumière, un effet de brouillard/brume/ténèbres ? Ce serait ENORME pour des ambiances horrifiques !
En tout cas, c'était ce qui me passait par la tête.
Merci pour ton travail, vraiment. Tu nous aides à rêver et à nous évader depuis tant d'années déjà. Il n'y a rie de plus beau.
En espérant te lire, et dans l'attente de voir les prochains ajouts :}
This program is so close to exactly what I've been looking for that I was surprised I didn't find it earlier. Then I was annoyed that it came so close while not quite having all I needed, and I wondered when it might get updated. Then I realized it had been updated twice in the last two hours with significant features, and that basically explained why I hadn't found it before AND alleviated my concerns. Your design philosophy for this program is perfect. Simple interface. Simple execution. No specialist cruft eating up interface space and bogging down the UI. I'm going to be bold though and list off some feature requests/ideas.
– Simple color-tintable floors/walls. No texture, but with RBG color selection.
– RGB color selection for lights/doors/fences also.
– COPY AND PASTE. That's a big one for usability.
– User defined image object. This risks getting back into the cruftiness of other map designers, but less so because it'd be tucked away and optional. Just a "PNG" button under "Tree" or wherever, which lets on use a local png file.
– Although, "Text" covers most possibilities, it seems that if you're going to have a seperate one for "Mob", you could do them for "Treasure", "Trap", "Secret", etc. That might be a bit much though.
– "Water" and "Hole/Pit" Grounds.
Bug: On the desktop version, my left hand menu descends past the bottom of the screen in fullscreen or windowed mode. It doesn't in the web browser.
Whether you find any of this useful or not, I want to re-emphasise how much I appreciate that you understand the actual needs of the casual RPG map maker. Spot on. Kudos.
Thanks for all these interesting suggestions! You can already kind-of "copy/paste" objects (like texts or mobs) by holding CTRL key when dragging existing items. I also like the colored floor idea, it will definitely happen. Water/pits are on their way, but I still have many issues to fix with these :) I fixed the UI issue in the latest version (0.4.2).
Fantastic tool, but exporting to PNG isn't working for me right now.
Hi! Thanks for reporting this issue :)
This is really awesome! I hope you guys implement custom assets to be imported while making the maps! One of the best and easiest dungeon map makers out there!
Grids arent showing up in the downloaded picture, but everything else works fine.
You should be able to enable the Grid in the Export window by checking the option "Show the grid" :) Does it work?
Great! Awesome! I have used your old one for a little while now and it has helped me plenty! I cant wait for this one to come to work as well!
Some more options for items to place down would be lovely! Trees/small furniture would be very awesome! Keep up the great work!
Love this. Just need more texture variety; especially some scifi themed. Cobble and Ancient seem too similar from afar and don't stand out enough from each other.
Lighting is amazing, the different wall types is cool, and the addition of text is a nice touch too. Some feedback though.
It's a little counter-intuitive that the whole area is "Wall" and you carve out land, at least in terms of light and ground textures. The fences don't work in corners, and the doors don't block light.
But overall this is a massive improvement to the flash version, and I can't wait to see what you do with future updates.
ANAmap has always been my favorite tool for making dungeon maps, and I'm excited to see a new tool by you! Thank you for making this.
Suggestion: Have everything be scalable.
Suggestions: Make an option for placing blocks/doors/fencing along a grid line.
Dude I've been looking for a free and easy to use dungeon building program for a while, and this is flipping perfect! I can't wait to see where it goes.
soooooooo awesome
Really hoping you continue this. It adds just enough to be understandable but not so complicated I lose focus of the actual game itself. Within an hour or two I can make an easy to grasp map of however much my players need to know. Maybe consider monster icons, something general hat indicates a threat, maybe 1-3 squares in different sizes or allow them to be combined like the other tools?
This is a fantastic tool. You're doing great work. The flash version is good, but the HTML5 version seems to have a lot of potential! Thank you!