Make nice looking RPG maps easily.
RPG Map is a tabletop oriented map editor
with the “keep it clean & simple“ philosophy in mind.
RPG Map is a tool I’ve built to make maps for my tabletop RPG sessions, with my friends. It’s born from the fact that most existing tools were either looking bad or were simply overly complex to use.
My approach is to make an easy to use tool to create beautiful maps quickly.
You can still access the old Flash-based version (source code available on GitHub)

Commercial use
RPG Map II is completely free to use. All the content you create with it can be used any way you want, including in commercial products.
- Full HTML5 support, Windows version on Itch.io
- Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds exports
- Import your own images or icons
- Fully customizable colors
- Import maps generated by One Page Dungeon (from Watabou)
- Support for special walls, such as caverns, diagonals, etc.
- Ground textures
- Ray-casted lighting & fog
- Multiple skins and many customizable colors
- Texts, numbered elements with automatic legend block generation, text bubbles…
- Icons
- Enemies
- User friendly UI
- Pay what you want, including free!
This is a great, simple map creator tool! Thank you for making it free.
Oi, gostaria de criar uma mapa para o meu RPG de mesa
So I decided to test out the Map Editor 2 to see if it would fit my needs, and it seems good! Except that about 10 minutes after I started using it, a box with "Use Alt (image of left mouse button) Pick and move any object on your map" mouse appeared right in the middle of the screen and started flashing, and I. cannot. make. it. stop. I turned off selected tool help, I tried clicking around different tools, I tried exiting and restarting. I don't know how to file bug reports for you, but I'm on the latest version and win-directx64. Otherwise it's lovely and I would have donated, but the flashing box makes it quite unusable for me because I can stand only a few seconds of it before I have to quit.
I just love making maps by hand & thought about making them on the computer but never got around to it. Thought I might try you out. *
Eu uso bastante esse app é realmente mt bom pra mapas de rpg