Make nice looking RPG maps easily.
RPG Map is a tabletop oriented map editor
with the “keep it clean & simple“ philosophy in mind.
RPG Map is a tool I’ve built to make maps for my tabletop RPG sessions, with my friends. It’s born from the fact that most existing tools were either looking bad or were simply overly complex to use.
My approach is to make an easy to use tool to create beautiful maps quickly.
You can still access the old Flash-based version (source code available on GitHub)

Commercial use
RPG Map II is completely free to use. All the content you create with it can be used any way you want, including in commercial products.
- Full HTML5 support, Windows version on Itch.io
- Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds exports
- Import your own images or icons
- Fully customizable colors
- Import maps generated by One Page Dungeon (from Watabou)
- Support for special walls, such as caverns, diagonals, etc.
- Ground textures
- Ray-casted lighting & fog
- Multiple skins and many customizable colors
- Texts, numbered elements with automatic legend block generation, text bubbles…
- Icons
- Enemies
- User friendly UI
- Pay what you want, including free!
muito bom
Amazing! This is the perfect tool for my campaign; I was worried I'd have to draw my own assets and make my maps in a painting software, but this is so much better!
I've tried several map making programs. This one was the easiest for me to learn and use. I've been able to add custom assets like furniture very easily.
Thank you for this!
this app is looking soooooo much good, i'm gonna installe it ;)
none yet….
Edit: Nevermind, I just had to refresh my page and it started working again. That's my bad ;-;
Hi! I just recently found out about this software and I REALLY like it so far! It's currently helping me with drafting overworld areas for my game.
Currently, I used the browser version to draft the 1st world but discovered that the downloadable version works for me. However, when I tried downloading the map to my computer on the browser version, it gives me the message of "Preparing map file…", but never actually downloads the file to my computer. Is there a way to fix this, or do I need to recreate my whole map again from the ground up? Thanks in advance!
This app is AWESOME for Dungeon Masters in D%D. Also a lot of fun making maps. 10/10.
May be the best DnD battle map creator in the internet, and without downloads required.
my guy, i would like to thank you for the fucking 800+ hours of fun (and rage as well the game is hard as fuck) you gave me from dead cells, and now you help me again with this wonderful tool, i just hope the best for you.
but if you allow me to ask for something more, i would love to export this maps as .dd2vtt, if you dont want to do it its ok, you already did alot, thank you S2
i eu sei la
Thanks a lot ! i've not found more simple to use with so many things possible ! Et en plus, en français !
I think i could pay for it early, but I just want to know before if you'll include some "modern style" items someday. Anyway, thanks again for this wonderful tool ! (and sorry about my poor english translation…)
This is exactly what I was looking for!
Sadly, it won't let me make it an image to print. I still love it though!
I would love to create a map for my world building
Support for Foundry VTT would be greatly appreciated. Possibly including wall generation, door and window support, and pre-sets for grid size.
Hi I'm Reece and I am using your map creating software to make maps for World Anvil
I wanna create a map for world anvil
I wanna create a map for world anvil