A survival game with an iPanda, lots of snow, horrible creatures and a cable car.
Created in about 48h for the Ludum Dare 37 ; the theme was “One Room”.
- your objectives: produce Oily Fruits to fill the Generator in the upper right corner, use the machine in the upper left corner to build Batteries, use Batteries in the slot on the right to escape :)
- plant everything and maintain a good production at any given time
- unlock the extra Pot as soon as possible
- kill all enemies using the button above the Fire camp if submerged by them
Music by Volkor X!
Omg, that took me so long to finish. great game
Nice game :D (and the Pando so cute :3)
How do you win?!
and if you ever do make a sequel please make it wasd compatible
I love this game so much if it's ever possible please please make a sequel i loved this game and i still play it over and over again making challenges for myself this is great and should be continued
I can't play :(
It doesn't seem to work on some browsers… You may have to try another one, or download the windows version.
Wow awesome game actually took me along time to solve, keep up the awesome work!
This could be like an entire new game, room by room, one puzzle every room, it would be great
Finish purpose bro…
On peut mettre deux fois du suite du bambou/bois dans le feu pour faire un grand feu qui réchauffe très vite durant la météo normale et à vitesse moyenne durant les tempêtes.
You can put some wood/bamboo twice in the fire to make a greater fire, which keeps you heated even during the stormes.
i like the game is awesome!!! do the second part
I love this game so much.
Je n'ai pas trouver comment jouer (avec le EXE) en "moyenne" fenêtre (impossible d'enlever le fullscreen) … quelqu'un a une solutions a me proposer ?
I don't find how play in medium screen (Instead of full screen) … a solution ?
Merci pour la solutions au probléme \o/
Perso j'ai download la version Windows o/
I'm not sure why, but I'm having a problem where all of your more recent games just have a black screen, do you have an idea of why? love your games by the way.
It seems related to the 3D acceleration stuff I use on all my latest games… You can try on a different browser, or download the EXE available for Lost in Pandation. I will investigate further.
J'adore le jeu ♥
P'tio probléme le jeu ne s'ouvre plus de chez moi \o/
Chezardy: tout simplement parce que le feu n'est pas assez fort ?
Beautiful game as always! btw slight bug at the end, game seems to keep running in the background when you are on the ending screen. First time I beat it, I died instantly and couldn't read it. So I beat it again to read it.
Je comprend pas, je meurs dès qu'il y a le vent glacial …
This game is really cool.
I finish it by being lucky because not a lot of monsters spawn in my final game :)
This is impressive how your game is balance :)