NOTE: this Flash game can no longer run on your browser. You need a Flash Player which isn't available anymore.
As an alternative, here is a downloadable version which will run on Windows.
August 25, 2014
“Connected Worlds”
How to play
- move/jump
- use
- M
- toggle music
J'aime bien la fin
I Love your games!!! Keep making more!!
After I was deemed a good slave i have to replay it to unplug every one!
Good JoB!!! ;)
I loved the game and discovering the different endings was so fun!!!!!!!!!
Actually, there is THREE ending.
And i think we could had / create easter egg by coding in binary something… But i leave to you to discover it !
This is impossible!
Sebastien are you from Shiro Games ?
No, from Motion Twin. But we share the same office as Shiro Games :)
Good ending: Connect all humans
Bad ending: Connect no humans
No, there isn't
Is there a chipset-1?
theres a good and bad ending cool.
Well thanks for the reply, and keep up the great work.
I look forward to the end of each LudumDare to check out your game!
ah, i see now. the cables are created in the Emiiter.hx file which I couldn't find initially.
I see you just used Bezier curves (can't believe I didn't think of that). The effect looks really nice, I thought you had used some advanced catenary curve function :))
Hi! Yes the cables were actually simple lines between Hero & the target. The curve is made using a bezier: the third point (the bezier controller) is between the first 2 points, and it's closest to the lowest one, to simulate the weight of the cable. This point moves a little bit over time using a Cosinus to make it feel it's also moving because of the wind :)
Also, if the distance between the Hero & the target is too long, the bezier curve point tends to be closer to the straight line, simulating the cable tension :)
As always, this is an awesome game – even more so considering the 48hr limit. Well done.
One of the things which stood out are the cables, could you please let me know, did oyu use any particular paper/method/calculation for creating the 'hanging' wires (which looking at the source code I'm guessing are made up of particles)?
Good slave… i guess im just so nice? or just bored lol (I am curious)
Ahahhahahhahah Very funny, beautiful and singular game XDXDXXDXDXD
Hi guys, can you please tell who is your hosting provider? I've heard about eaglehost.info that they are good, can you tell me yours or suggest anyone for that matter? Thank you
Mine is Gandi (www.gandi.net). Quite affordable, excellent quality of service and tons of advanced features. They are like the "good guys" of Web hosting :-)