NOTE: this Flash game can no longer run on your browser. You need a Flash Player which isn't available anymore.
As an alternative, here is a downloadable version which will run on Windows.
August 25, 2014
“Connected Worlds”
How to play
- move/jump
- use
- M
- toggle music
Wish it was longer
Great game 10/10!
More of that stuff *___* It's really good even though it's short. I'd LOVE to see more levels and mechanics. The idea's really got potential and the atmosphere is quite good for such a short game. Most of your games are awesome though. ^^
that was short
that was insane
Btw, press space to connect/disconnect
To get free spirit/singularity, disconnect all humans.
i unpluged all the humans and got a diferent ending. that means there are 3 endings
very good puzzle game
j aime cet page
Nice game though a little brief. More please?
Good puzzle game, congrats.
Trop bien!
Gorgeus! =] Loved that. Fantastic graphics, fx, and the top – the gameplay. I'd love to see more elements, enemies, bossfights and so on! Great job
"Free spirit" is the name of the "Rebel Unit" ending in the basic version of the game (click the "Original 48h version" under the game window).
J'ai adoré de bout en bout, la finition est vraiment excellente, comme le petit effet "brouillage" quand on se fait tirer dessus. Les fins alternatives sont bien pensées, et je dois bien avouer que j'ai lâché un "oups!" en voyant le statut de "Good slave" apparaitre la première fois x)
We need more ! Good job.
i don't know how to do this
Awesome, I love scanlines effect. More levels planned?
I featured Chipset 0 on the FREENDIE series, under the 1ndie World site. Here's the link to the coverage. Really nice piece of work!
The system demands more of this game. I would spend money on a full length game of this.