Haxe, the open source language I used every day for about 4-5 years is now managed by the good folks at the Haxe Foundation. And this is an incredibly good thing. This foundation will fully support the development of this great language and offer highly reliable support for companies who need it.
If you don’t know it yet, Haxe is quite like the Ring: one language to rule them all.
- This single language can target a vast number of platforms : Flash, JS, HTML5, Neko, C++…
- The syntax is easy to learn yet incredibly flexible (with the mystical ancient powers of macros),
- It heavily uses Type Inference, which is a complicated word to say the language is intelligent and can guess the types of variables you use, even if you don’t specify it (ex. var a=5, ok that’s an integer, so if you try a=”test” few lines later, the compiler will pop an error ; yes I’m looking at you javascript..)
- With NME (broken link, project no longer exists), the language can now target easily mobile devices with great results and performances.
All the games I make are written in Haxe and I use it daily on much larger projects.
Try it :)
Bonjour ! J'aimerais essayer de créer des petits jeux avec Haxe mais FlashDevelop propose plusieurs types de projets dans la catégorie "Haxe". Vaut-il mieux choisir Flash, Neko, OpenFl ou HaxeFlixel ?
Hi Sébastien, I discovered the Haxe few days ago trough of your games and decided to know better, who knows, make cool games like yours.
One thing was not clear to me, if I make a code importing flash libs, I can only compile for Flash, how to reuse the same code to compile for other platforms? What are the advantages of using the hash instead of using the AIR Flash?
Juste une petite question à propos d’Haxe, “compiler” avec Haxe permet “simplement” de générer un fichier dans le langage cible ? Il faut ensuite compiler le/les fichiers obtenus ( si c’est un langage compilé ) pour obtenir le résultat ?
Merci de cette petite réponse ;)
Bon courage!
Non, Haxe génère bien directement le “binaire” du langage cible (un SWF par exemple pour du flash).
Thanks for replying! Meanwhile, I will keep “playing” with Haxe whenever I can – the platform deserves the time.
First, I am a fan of your games – and timelapse videos.
I have tried to “play” with Haxe a little bit but while it seems really awesome (as your ability to make games so fast shows) it seems to be a bit unstable in some regards – documentation is sparse, existing editors in Mac are a bit fussy to work with, and cross-platform support (NME) is a bit of a confusing topic.
I think if the Haxe foundation invested in publishing some learning tools/books to streamline a bit the process, Haxe would become more accessible also to people that cannot afford the time to learn by trial and error. I think so many people would be interested that even a crowdfunding option would make a lot of sense.
That is also why tools like HaxeFlixel will help the popularity of the platform a lot – the kind of tutorials they have is exactly the kind of tutorial people need to get started on a platform.
You are absolutely right :)
The lack of proper documentation and tutorials is what Haxe needs right now to go further. I also hope that the foundation will help in that way.