Back Part 2 – Using GameBase to create an Haxe+Heaps game 46 | ♥ 65


Every time I start working a new game, I use “GameBase” as a starting point. It uses the Haxe language and the engine.

GameBase offers a minimal set of classes and tools to get started quickly making your own game. It’s completely open source and easy to adapt to your needs. Oh, it’s also quite simple and not bloated with tons of useless classes or features.

Of course, you could also start from scratch, but that’s not something I’d recommend if your goal is to learn Haxe language + Heaps engine.

Getting GameBase

First thing first, here is the official GameBase repository on GitHub:

Installing Haxe + Heaps

I wrote a step-by-step tutorial on how to install the whole thing on Windows.

Please check it out if haven’t installed Heaps yet.

Installing dependencies

You’ll first need my deepnightLibs, which contain many useful classes I use in all my projects. To install it, just run:

haxelib git deepnightLibs

Also install CastleDB lib (a simple database for Haxe games, see

haxelib git castle

Getting the GameBase source code

Method A: template

Just go to the repository on GitHub and click on the Use template button. Learn more about GitHub templates here.

Method B: fork

Go the following GitHub repository:

Just fork this repo and clone it on your computer. Feel free to adapt/edit/copy for your own usage (see LICENSE).

Method C: adding an upstream remote

This method is mostly for my own usage, as GitHub doesn’t allow me to fork my own projects.

  • Make a new repo on GitHub (WARNING: do not add any license or don’t commit anything in it for now)
  • Clone it somewhere
  • on a command line:
git remote add gameBase

git pull gameBase master

git push origin master
  • Or for the Advanced game base branch:
git remote add gameBase

git pull gameBase advancedBase

git push origin master

Checking if it works


If everything is properly installed, just run the following command right from the gameBase root folder:

haxe build.directx.hxml

This should generate a client.hl in your /bin folder.

Other platforms

You can build for other platforms:

  • DirectX for HashLink VM: haxe build.directx.hxml (recommended)
  • Javascript (WebGL): haxe build.js.hxml
  • OpenGL for HashLink VM: haxe build.opengl.hxml

Please note other platforms could be targeted by creating a corresponding HXML file (see:


To run the game, execute one of these commands:

For DirectX or OpenGL Hashlink:

hl bin\client.hl

For WebGL (javascript):

start run_js.html

You should see something like that:

This is the default GameBase sample game.

Building and debugging from VScode (recommended)

From VScode, just run the “Debug: start debugging” command (press F5 by default, or check the VScode command line with CTRL-SHIFT-P).

This should run the default pre-configured HL Debug command which compiles & runs the HL DirectX version.

If you plan to debug WebGL (Javascript) content, you’ll need one of the following extensions for VScode:

Don’t forget to change the HXML used for code completion before starting to code:

Check the bottom left corner of VS Code
  • Click on _base.hxml at the bottom of VS Code window.
  • Change it for whatever HXML you plan to use for building/testing your game (probably, which is Direct X with added “debug” flag).
  • This HXML will then be used for code completion

Making a game!

The hero we need

We’re now ready to make the very first any game needs: adding a playable character.

First step: create a Hero.hx in /src/en/Hero.hx. The “en” folder is the package for “Entity”-based classes.

This is our hero:

package en;

class Hero extends Entity {
	public function new(x,y) {

		// Some default rendering for our character
		var g = new h2d.Graphics(spr);

In the Game.hx, you can create an instance of your Hero at the end of the new() constructor.

class Game extends Process {
	// [...]

	public function new() {
		// [...]

		new en.Hero(5,5);


We now need a little bit of control. If you have a gamepad, you can use it easily. You can also still use a standard keyboard too.

We need the dn.heaps.Controller class:

class Hero extends Entity {
	var ca : dn.heaps.Controller.ControllerAccess;

	public function new(x,y) {
		// [...]

		ca = Main.ME.controller.createAccess("hero"); // creates an instance of controller

	override function dispose() { // call on garbage collection
		ca.dispose(); // release on destruction

	override function update() { // the Entity main loop

		if( ca.leftDown() || ca.isKeyboardDown(hxd.Key.LEFT) )
			dx -= 0.1*tmod;

		if( ca.rightDown() || ca.isKeyboardDown(hxd.Key.RIGHT) )
			dx += 0.1*tmod;


Build & run the game (F5 with VScode) and test it. Your red hero should move left/right on key presses or gamepad.

That’s how any great hit actually started.

About “tmod”

tmod is a value connected to the duration of the frame, and more precisely, the time elapsed between two consecutive game frames.

  • on 60 FPS, tmod is 1.0 (the “normal” value)
  • on 30 FPS, tmod is 2.0
  • on 120 FPS, tmod is 0.5

tmod can be used to adjust values that are FPS dependent, such as velocities or accelerations.

The idea is:

  • if the game runs slower (ie. less than 60 FPS), all the movement increments should be higher, to compensate for the missing frames.
  • if the game runs faster (ie. more than 60 FPS), all the movement increments should be smaller to acknowledge the extra frames.

See Delta time to learn more about this classic concept.

Working without “tmod”

The dn.Process class has a fixedUpdate() which runs (or at least tries to run) at a fixed lower FPS, usually 30 or 24 FPS (check the fixedUpdateFps variable). The FPS of these fixed updates is guaranteed, within the realms of possibility.

The Entity class also has a similar fixedUpdate() which runs at the same fixed FPS as the Game.

A classic approach is to do every gameplay related things, like physics, or velocities inside the “fixed” updates, and do everything else (rendering, particles etc.) in “real FPS” updates.

This keeps the gameplay code quite simple, without having to rely on the tmod/delta time values.

You might think it would be an issue to have your gameplay code in a 30 FPS loop instead of 60 FPS or more, but bear with me: no one will notice. Dead Cells, which is known for its fast-paced action & gameplay actually uses 30 FPS loops for the gameplay elements. The render is done at 60 FPS.

Important: all the controller related checks should happen inside the real FPS updates, because that’s the only way to catch a user input at the exact moment it happens. The fixed updates won’t catch these events, because these fixed updates don’t occur on every single frame.

Classes & API

Boot.hx: where everything starts

The first thing called in your code is in the Boot.hx method main(). From here, we create a Main, which creates a Game.


All the updates are called in the following order:

  1. Boot.hx has an update() which takes care of low-level stuff. You shouldn’t do much here, unless you have very specific needs.
  2. Main.hx has an update() too, and is basically your global app main update. It also has a postUpdate() which happens after the update().
  3. Game.hx also has an update(), a preUpdate(), a fixedUpdate() and a postUpdate(). This is where your game related code will happen.

Note that Boot extends hxd.App which is the top-level app class in Heaps. I use a different class for Main and Game: dn.Process.

My dn.Process class takes care of the updates, and each Process can have children processes, support pausing, have preUpdates, fixedUpdates, postUpdates and few other useful things.

The philosophy with GameBase is quite simple: all your future Processes should be either children of Main (any section of your app which is not the game, like an intro screen), or Game (if it’s part of the actual game).

Important classes

All code files are in /src folder.

  • Main.hx: the main app loop, see the update() method
  • Game.hx: created every time a game is started, it also has an update()
  • Entity.hx:: the most important thing after the Game. It’s the base class for everything that moves in the game (player, enemies, bullets, items etc.). Everything except particles (see Fx.hx). Read below for more explanations about the Entity class.
  • Level.hx: your world, level, room or whatever is your environment. Some games might have none of these, or multiple instances, it’s up to you.
  • Camera.hx: a basic camera which can optionally track an Entity (say, the player)
  • Fx.hx: a simple particle system
  • Lang.hx: a neat way to automatically extract your texts directly from your code to generate PO files compatible with the popular GetText translation ecosystem. Check the specific tutorial to see how it works.
  • Const.hx: contains a set of constant values I use to tweak my game, like the standard FPS, your starting health points or stuff like that.
  • Assets.hx: a single class to access assets like tilesets or sounds. All your assets (art, sound, other data files) that are meant to be loaded/used by the game should be put in the /res folder. You can access them in your code using the hxd.Res.myAsset API.

Misc classes

  • import.hx: note the lowercase format of this file name, it allows to have global imports for every classes of your app (see: Neat.
  • tools/CPoint.hx: a simple Point class that supports grid-based coordinates.
  • ui/Hud.hx: a process of Game which can be used for any HUD (head-up-display, aka. interface) for your game, like: gold, life, ammo etc.
  • ui/Window.hx: a simple pop-up object.
  • ui/Modal.hx: same as Window, except it pauses the game while it’s open.

The Entity class


Entity.hx uses the same “grid-based” logic as described in my Simple 2D engine article.

Please note that it’s totally up to you to write a very different Entity system to suit all your needs. Basically, all the 2D grid-based logic is here. Everything else in GameBase should fit any kind of game, be it a platformer, a match-3 puzzle or an hidden object.


  • Loops: preUpdate, update, fixedUpdate and postUpdate
  • Safe disposal mechanic: just call the destroy() of an Entity to mark it as destroyed. It won’t be destroyed instantly, but only at the end of the current frame (the onDispose() is then automatically called), to avoid any null value in the course of the loops.
  • Listing: access Entity.ALL static array for a dynamic list of all existing entities. Note that some might be flagged as “destroyed” (see previous point).
  • Coordinates: each entity uses a grid-based coordinate system. cx,cy are the grid coordinates, while xr,yr are the position inside a single cell. For example, cx=5 and xr=0.5 means “in column 5, at 50% of the cell“. More explanations about this approach in my Simple 2D engine article.
  • Velocities: dx,dy are the current x/y speeds of the entity (added to coordinates on each frame). They also use “grid-based” values. So having dx=0.5 means “moving 50% of a cell on each frame“. dx,dy are multiplied on each frame with frictions which slow them down (if friction<1).
  • Sprite: the visual representation of an Entity is the variable spr. It’s a dn.heaps.slib.HSprite class, which is a super-charged h2d.Bitmap. Please note that the coordinates of this sprite are only updated during the postUpdate(), it’s never updated nor manipulated outside of this loop. If you need the coordinates of the entity object, you should always refer to cx,cy + xr,yr.

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  1. celestalfox:

    greetings ,sébastien ,dont know if you speak french so ill continue in english ,ive been meaning to start a game project using heaps ,because of certain prebuilt programs ,and these is a good place to learn how ,but the haxe build.directx.hxml does not create the directorie/file and instead returns these error messages
    src/game/Game.hx:44: characters 31-42 : assets.World has no field SampleWorld
    src/game/Game.hx:90: characters 33-43 : assets.World has no field all_worlds
    src/game/Level.hx:67: characters 21-27 : assets.Layer_Collisions has no field render

    ive been wraping my head around how to fix the issue, and need some help

    January 5, 2025 at 11:48
  2. raven:

    I am in not good mood and it's euphemism and lose interest in coding ! I know haxe from long and i discover this site few days ago !
    I hope this will help me go back but i think that this "gamebase" is really unusable !

    Maybe can you rework it has a real library and named it hxjam
    i mean you was one of creator of deadcells so you know your stuff !

    and maybe produce a haxelib hxjam setup which can help produce and generate project with really less files but a library we can use

    December 29, 2023 at 03:11
  3. Anonymous:

    For anybody having issues with the build command, you need to run haxe setup.hxml in the root folder of gameBase. Hope this helps.

    February 19, 2023 at 19:13
  4. Anonymous:

    Hey, the "haxe build.directx.hxml" command gives me this error:

    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    C:\gameBase-master\src\game\import.hx:32: characters 8-15 : Type not found : hxd.Key
    src/game/Boot.hx:6: characters 20-27 : Type not found : hxd.App

    And removing/disabling hxd.Key gives a bunch of other errors independent from hxd.Key. I have uploaded Haxe and all libs yet still no difference.

    January 29, 2023 at 21:02
  5. Pivan:

    Any chance this tutorial will be updated to reflect the latest version of the template?
    Seems like some things are renamed, moved or called differently.

    Anyway this tutorial is helping me a lot, Same goes for the template. Well documented and a very easy to read coding style.

    November 29, 2022 at 16:13
  6. ManWhoSleep:

    Never mind, I now the reason now, it the dn.Color.

    November 8, 2022 at 18:15
  7. ManWhoSleep:

    hello, when I try to compile hl.dx.hxml file it show me a list of errors such as this:
    {D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy>haxe hl.dx.hxml
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:3: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    D:\Project\GMp\RPG_HAXE\D\gameBase-legacy\src\import.hx:12: characters 8-16 : Type not found : dn.Color
    C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps/1,9,1/hxd/Res.hx:7: characters 47-48 : Unexpected ;}

    where I went wrong?

    November 7, 2022 at 22:24
  8. BurntToast:

    Hello, I've been getting an issue lately after I ran hl /bin/client.hl

    D:\a\hashlink\hashlink\src\module.c(513) : FATAL ERROR : Invalid signature for function directx@win_clip_cursor : PXdx_window__v required but PXdx_window_b_v found in hdll

    my computer has 3 disks.

    October 13, 2022 at 21:59
  9. Logan:

    What is a proper within gamebase to create the notion of different screens (such as Main Menu, Gameplay, and Credits, for example)? Looking at some of your jam game code bases, most of your games just start at the gameplay and don't have separate screens/states.

    August 19, 2022 at 19:24
    • Sébastien Bénard:

      You can just create new instances of “dn.Process” class, which can have an optional graphical context ("root"). Each process can be paused or destroyed separately.

      August 20, 2022 at 00:58
  10. agdonut:

    sorry, i follow the install instractions (from here for legacy version and from github for master version) and i have the same error when: haxe hl.dx.hxml | haxe build.directx.hxml

    C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps/git/hxsl/Macros.hx:316: lines 316-322 : Object requires field ret
    C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps/git/hxsl/Macros.hx:316: lines 316-322 : For function argument 'f'
    C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps/git/hxsl/Macros.hx:328: lines 328-334 : Object requires field ret
    C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps/git/hxsl/Macros.hx:328: lines 328-334 : For function argument 'f'
    C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps/git/hxsl/BatchShader.hx:3: character 1 : Build failure

    August 7, 2022 at 15:00
    • Sébastien Bénard:

      Are you using my Heaps GIT version?

      haxelib git heaps

      August 12, 2022 at 00:21
  11. Anonymous:

    how can you remove the background?

    March 6, 2022 at 02:59
  12. João César:


    Noob here.

    I'm getting this error when importing the Controller class:
    Type not found : dn.heaps.Controller

    In fact, these two commands (haxelib git deepnightLibs and haxelib git castle are not doing anything for me. But even if I copy and paste your classes manually and update the import statement to the new location of the Controller class, it still doesn't work.

    November 1, 2021 at 12:59
    • Sébastien Bénard:

      My fault! I'm in the process of moving existing GameBase to "version 2", which is available on the "advancedBase" of the game base GIT. You can either use the current gamebase, and then replace "dn.heaps.Controller" calls with the "legacy" ones (dn.legacy.Controller), or use advancedBase branch.

      November 1, 2021 at 16:00
  13. Harshet:

    How to have Collision

    April 26, 2021 at 14:41
  14. MaskRen:

    how do i draw images

    April 18, 2021 at 11:09
  15. Yvanoff:

    Actually, it seems you have three options:
    – use js (not great if you want to target sdl/dx)
    – downgrade haxe
    – use the proposed fix by Yanrishatum. To do this install heaps with the command: haxelib git heaps fix_haxe42_threads (I'm using this for now and it works so far)
    (Sorry for the flurry of posts btw)

    February 17, 2021 at 18:22
  16. Yvanoff:

    (sorry for the doublepost, but as a sidenote webGL compilation works fine)

    February 16, 2021 at 13:24