This blog was migrated from Blogger to WordPress.
I known, it’s not like anyone cares. But you might find some broken links: in such a case, it would be really cool to report them right here, in the comments :) The same goes for any oddity you could find on this site.
Also, my website url is now just: (and not anymore).
Your games are awesome and you site is pretty cool too. this link doesn't work
This probably should point to ; on which page resides the link you mentioned?
I found broken links to the map editor in:
What happened to Super Strict Farmer on Kongregate? I had it favorited, but now I get this page instead.
Super Strict Farmer is a game by Benjamin Soule :) You can play it there:
La section Games marche impec chez moi.
Au fait si tu es toujours à court d’idée pour un prochain tutoriel, Pierre a laissé de bonnes suggestions en commentaire ici:
Il les a postées 1 mois et demi après que tu aies demandé, donc tu as pu passer à côté :)
Et bien sûr…merci pour tout ce que tu fais!
Je peux plus jouer à Corporate Soccer 2 :'(
Ce lien ne marche plus ? Le chargement peut être un peu long.
J'avais mis ce lien en favori, et j'avais cliqué dessus sans réfléchir, merci :)
Je viens de remarquer que les SWF de tes tutoriels ont aussi disparu dans les tubes de l’internet. Ils sont sûrement perdus dans les cartons de la NSA maintenant ;)
Merci, je vais examiner tout ça :)
Tout mon commentaire a été formaté à l’envers :D
Enfin pas grave, regarde les exemples de code dans tes tutoriels tu verras tout de suite ce que je veux dire :)
A moins que ça vienne de chez moi mais je pense pas.
Salut :)
T’as bien fait de changer, au moins maintenant on peut commenter sans s’inscrire à tous les sites de l’univers :)
On dirait que ça a cassé certains exemples de code dans tes tutoriels par contre, par ex & devient &, > devient >, etc.
Il y a aussi un étrange
[quote]while( xr
You should always apply friction to
, to smoothly cap its value (much better results than a simpleif
).[/quote]dans le paragraphe “X movements” de [url=]cet article[/url]
Seems like htmlentities is applied on code sections. But it also seems like chars were somewhat randomly dropped!!
Ex: in tutorial 1, sections “X complete” and “What about Y?”, the “while( xr<1 ) {" on line 10 became "while( xr1 ) {"
In the "Here is Entity class from this demo:" I also noticed drops lines 33, 47, 60 and 64.
A bit freaky… :s Good luck!
Oh my god.. I got it writing my previous comment. In fact it applies [the fucking] PHP strip_tags, then htmlspecialchars.
So whole part of code are simply removed for instance “if(a inferior to 0 or a superior or equal to N)” will become “if(a equal to N)”. Because it consider anything between inferior and superior as a HTML tag…
Only htmlspecialchars should be applied, which is sufficient to avoid XSS.
Same applies for comments, which is a shame :(
Probably your theme is allowing html in comments in order to style them. Maybe you should remove this feature and allow users to use something like BBCode (e.g.
For code parts, are you using a short tag? In case of it could be easy to edit it.
I can help you in editing the source of your WP theme if you need.
Yep, you’re totally right. I’m not happy either with the way discussions are handled. I will give a try to a BBcode based system :)
Note: multiple responses that are close in time have to be premoderated, to avoid spam bots. That’s why your 2nd comment didn’t appear immediatly. I validated it :)
I've finally switched to plain text comments. No html, no bbcode :) Simple & efficient.