Sub Dragon is a 2D shooter inspired by Saint Dragon on Atari ST.
This game was made in 48h for the Ludum Dare 35. The theme was “Shapeshift”.
Your ship has 2 sides: the white one (left) is invulnerable and can stop enemy bullets. The red one is heavily armed but very fragile!
Move around like a snake, change shape and use both sides wisely to eradicate every opponents!

super nice !
MrPizza, it didn't work.
Why doesn't this game work? Sebastien, please tell me why.
What the name says.
if you download the game it runs fine, must be an issue on the server or some sort of browser compatibility…
does not work,dragon glitches out and cause severe lag and makes the game unplayable
this is cool
The game was cool.
[spoiler alert]
:) :P
genial une trés bonne idée de deepnight
Very great and hard
very good game !!!!
bien mais dure
try glitching through the walls while locking your shape. PS he says "COFFEE IS FRIEND" at the end. Hey, that rhymed!
this game is gøød
Great game!
banzai !!!!!
Try doing it "relaxed" style… no holding space!
Bit harder. F.rces you to think.
Lovely game.
I love her games