Sub Dragon is a 2D shooter inspired by Saint Dragon on Atari ST.
This game was made in 48h for the Ludum Dare 35. The theme was “Shapeshift”.
Your ship has 2 sides: the white one (left) is invulnerable and can stop enemy bullets. The red one is heavily armed but very fragile!
Move around like a snake, change shape and use both sides wisely to eradicate every opponents!

It just worked i didn't change anything i just kept trying everyday
How did you do it Quantumdan, how did you do it? Also, I'm a big fan of you Sebastien, and I heard Ludum Dare was this weekend, hope you have a good time ^^
I got it to work :)
it doesn't work for me for some reason i don't know why
Maybe try using a different browser?
Hey can you tell me your email so i can send you Testing feedback
You can check the About section :)
Hey Great game I'm studying game design and i was given this game to get people to play test and write up a user play test form
Thank you :)
all that i see is a black screen D,=
не работает
dope soundtrack
THis is actually a really awesome game. keep it up!
won't load, just stays a black screen for a while, and that's on 30Mbps internet. Oh well.
The mechanic can be fun but I feel the level design canceled it out. At the beginning getting used to the controls I feel this could be like a Snake-Shooter hybrid. But instead most of the time we need to freeze into various strange shapes and kind of wriggle around, hoping not to get killed, in a terrain that is hard to tell where we should be going. Even with carefully chosen shapes, sometimes bullets went through body gaps and/or what seems to be buggy hit detections and you get killed. It feels frustrating.
There are some places where the aforementioned Snake-Shooter pattern seem to surface, but only in 1 one or 2 places. Most of the time, it's not very fun to play.
The craftsmanship is excellent as always though.
wont load
Ahhhh I used freezing on the first tutorial and then completely forgot about it until I finished the game. No wonder it was so hard haha!
Great game as usual :D
Not working on linux. I recommend to you throw FLASH away on garbage as useless technology. Otherwise you are used condom…
I'd also gladly suggest playing on a decent gaming platform instead :-) #trolling
Merci d'avoir mis le source, c'est vraiment sympa, car c'est difficile de trouver de la doc et des exemples sur Heaps.
Thank you for having put sources online, it's cool, because it's difficult to find documentation and samples about Heaps.
Excellent adaptation ! Did you made it with Heaps engine ?
Yes, but Heaps is more a library than an engine :)
very cool concept, art and gameplay.
strange things happen when using mouse click
zomg, remind me st dragon on Amiga :p