This is not an actual game, but a proof-of-concept prototype that implements a retro/modern “Dungeon Master” engine:
- True 2D engine: no 3D involved here, it’s all fake.
- Fake texture details: all wall angles and 3D details on them are generated on startup, making the process of creating art for such engine quite fast (you only need a wall texture and its height map)
- Smooth movements: using various motion design tricks, the movements should be smooth and understandable for an external spectator.
- Textures Retro texture pack by Little Martian
- Textures from Eye of the Beholder
- Dungeon Atlas Generator by Zooperdan
- Source of information: DungeonCrawlers.org
That's an amazing job! I am very curious to see the next step of the prototype.
I wonder how atlas textures are manipulated to generate the bump effect?
Salut M.Bénard !
Je repasse voir votre travail deux semaines plus tard. C'est vraiment très impressionant, plantes et lucioles donnent énormément de vie. Qu'une source lumineuse soit projetée sur le plafond et le sol a un impact énorme sur le ressenti de profondeur. Quelques torches murales simples avec le même effet ou des filets d'eau ou de gouttes tombant du plafond ça serviraient encore à l'immersion.
Pouvez-vous cacher un mur avec un message dans le donjon ? Que nous ayons quelque chose à chercher tout en essayant votre moteur.
Bien à vous.
Wonderful JOB!
Sorry for the formatting in my previous post, it gost lost somehow
– The rendering is very cool!
I really like how convincing is the 3D look of the walls (height map bumping works beautifully).
– distance shadowing is perfect to me.
– The ability to slightly rotate around the camera is great, but if the extent is only that, I don't see much use to it.
I'm not saying that it should have use: really looking some degrees out could potentially be detrimental to ease of play, like confusing the gameplay during hectic combat, if that's real time. So even as eye candy is great.
I'm saying the above, only because I remember not to like how look around was implemented in Grimrock, where to me was both useless and confusing.
my point is that having it keyed to the mouse pointer by default it feels very natural, and freeing.
– The only two negative things I have to say is that there's an annoying lag in quick movement, and that some key presses, when I try to move fast are not registered: both things probably are affected from this being a browser game?
– I hope that eventually you would develop it into a game, great job!
Bonjour M.Bénard,
Ce code est fluide et fonctionnel, un mouvement automatique par maintien serait plus confortable (disons par intervalle de 0.5s).
Par curiosité, est-il possible de rendre le damier hexagonal ?
Cela rafraîchirait un peu le concept tout en rendant la structure du donjon plus intéressante.
Bien cordialement
Bonne idée ! Il faudrait en effet que je mette les contrôles en file d'attente de manière plus intelligente qu'actuellement. C'est possible pour des hexagones, même si les atlas de textures générés risqueraient alors d'être très très conséquents. De plus, il est probablement que le cerveau ait du mal à se localiser dans l'espace avec une grille hexagone en FPS.