I really enjoyed doing this one, even if I got lost completely on the first day, wandering between ideas. Finally, a friend of mine pointed out a detail which unlocked everything.
I didn’t have time to add sounds, so I highly suggest to play an ambient music of yours. I personally recommend the Myst Exile soundtrack.
Thank you Benjamin.
About this version (extended)
I fixed many little problems in this version and added an item which was planned to be released in the first version : the dig-cannon. Use this item to dig the walls :) This item is hidden… somewhere.
I also rewrote some parts for better ambient.
Also added some places to discover ingame (using the cannon) and an alternative ending.
I skipped the old man's dialogue and when I was at the dangerous part, I went back and took the mug, but nothing happened, LOL
Good ending: Get a pill you leave behind after losing Pixelle again.
Bad ending: Jump off the cliff.
Fix this glitch: I keep getting stuck in the dirt walls!
The game We Happy Few comes out very soon, and from what I have seen of it, there is an interesting concept that seems very similar to a concept in this game: that the player has the choice of whether or not to take a drug that makes them see the world as a happy, fun place instead of the dark, creepy apocalyptic world it really is. I just wanted to say something about it here because I remembered playing this game, Appy 1000mg, a long time ago, and that it had a similar idea.
Why is it completely and utterly impossible to pass the section after the large hill with the floating platforms?
when you see the tomb take the pill into the hole, then go to the grave and the good end happened
bombs explode
http://prntscr.com/8uqnea Appy place :D
There is no appy end.
sad end
great game
I`m happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just now I find it!
It took me a lot of time to do it even before a google it, I not sure if that is a happy ending, but is a appy ending without a doubt
Great game as usual.
I can´t find the happy ending =(
Got the second ending, but the game just stuck after first phrase :(
I didn't find the appy end :(
It was, as most of your games, hooking and i kept playing for 30 minutes. Can you give a tip with the appy end? I digged up the whole world, it seems. I found the guy with the nice view, but nothing changed.
The change was really creepy, and those "friends". You found a nice way to show the health, too.
Also, minor bugs:
– on camera change, explosions can appear at the wrong position
– once got stuck while digging (i think the same as sebble, my french is poor :D)
– sometimes the mood changes, but i can't figure out why. Is it with passing a certain region? There might be a bug when you pass that region again.
Hi :)
Thanks a lot for all your feedbacks! I don't think I will modify the game now, as it was meant to be a jam game. So the code is a bit… "dirty". The ending depends on the phase (drugged or clear) you are when you reach the tomb stone. Good luck!
petit bug, je suis resté coincé dans une parois alors que je sautais partout en utilisant le gun.
Si ça peut aider a faire avancer le jeu
J'aime bien le jeu, seul bémol, la caméra qui se décale , ça gène pas mal …
Excellent, really enjoyed this one. Great concept. Found the alternate ending :) Appy end :)
sad end :'(