Sub Dragon is a 2D shooter inspired by Saint Dragon on Atari ST.
This game was made in 48h for the Ludum Dare 35. The theme was “Shapeshift”.
Your ship has 2 sides: the white one (left) is invulnerable and can stop enemy bullets. The red one is heavily armed but very fragile!
Move around like a snake, change shape and use both sides wisely to eradicate every opponents!

i loved it
I love this game! Good Job, Creator!!
fun game, but it freezes up too much
rage full lol
so fun and so rage
Really fun i play it whenever i can and i try not to rage!
wow,it is good game
Wow, really cool game, thanks for the site mr sebastian, i play here when i am bored and it is really fun! nice captcha btw lol
Great game, finally finished it! Thanks!
absolute trash
Absolutely nice. I'd love to see a longer version.
My contribution to the design: